1. What does the word "Ming" mean ?
Ming means light.
2. Why did the Chinese not need trade with foreigners ?
China had all it needed.3. Why did the Chinese travel for ?
They wanted wealth and power.4. What is China still famous for ?
They had technology advantages.5. What was the most importance advance in writing ?
New forms of wriiting and the Novel6. What is one of the greatest achievement of th Ming Dynasty ?
Enciclopedias and dictionaries.7. Why did Ming called a city "Forbidden" ?
Very few people were allowed.8. When the Europeans came to China what was Ming interested in ?
They were interested.9. What happened in 1644 ?
The MIng Dynasty ended.10. What does "Qing" mean ?
Qing means Pure11. Name 2 things the Manchu introduced to the Chinese People.
Chinese men were forced to wear their hair in a long braid. and Manchu couldn't marry a Chinese
Islamic Empires.
1. What are the names of the two Islamic Empires ?
-Ottoman Empire.
- Safavid Persia Empire.
2. Who was their leaders ?
- Ottoman Empire: Osman.
- Safavid Persia: Shah Abbas.
3. Did they get along with eachother ?
- They fought each other about religion, Safavid Persia was east of the Ottoman Empire
4. Which country did the Ottomans take over ?
- Small part of Turkey, Egypt, North Africa, Arabia and Constantinople.
5. What happened to Constantinopole ?
- Ottoman Empire conquered Constantinople, after that they changed the name to Istambul and made it the capital of the Ottoman Empire.
6. What did Sultan Bayezid and his son achieve ?
- He built a powerful navy and his son won control of the holy cities Mecca and Melina. And gained a monopoly over all trade routes between Asia and Europe.
7. Why was it called the "Golden Age of the Ottoman Empire" ? (1481-1566)
Because they taxed the good traded across Asia, that's how they grew rich.
8. What were the 2 passions of the Ottomans Empire ?
Entertaiment, puppet shows. Music and Dancing.
9. How did the Savavids and the Ottomanns were different speaking of Religion ?
- Safavids were Shi'ite Muslims. They both were from the Islam but from different sect.